
My Friday Night Movie Reviews

Love in the Time of Cholera

I loved this movie. It was a unique love story, apparently based on the novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez who wrote one of my favorite books "One Hundred Years of Solitude". If you liked 'Atonement', you'll like this movie since it's the same type of love story/tragedy type plot. I really enjoyed the music too and bought the soundtrack on i-tunes. Shakira, Shakira! I give this movie 4.5 Christy Stars out of 5. Bradley gives it 1 star even though he hasn't seen it, but I know he'd give it one start, and only because there's some boobie shots in the movie.

There Will Be Blood

I'm a big Daniel Day Lewis fan, so I was really looking forward to watching this movie. It starts out strong and the whole movie you're just waiting for the big scene or the big climax, but it just never comes. It goes on and on, and the cinematography is beautiful, and the soundtrack is ok, and DDL is great in his role....but the movie as a whole just didn't deliver... and of course it has one of those bizarre, random endings that leaves you pretty annoyed you sat through two and half hours to be given a random ending. I give this movie 2 Christy Stars.

1 comment:

Damien D said...

Hi great readinng your post