What do I think? I really like it so far. It's so fun to have hair to curl and style, pull back in a ponytail without looking bald or like a rat tail and add a little volume to my hair. I'm getting used to it day by day.
I do have a whole new perspective for folks with long hair... my shower time has almost tripled due to the amount of time it now takes to shampoo this thing..including conditioner which is a brand new concept for me (you don't condition thin hair). And that five minute drying time I used to have? Now it's about 30 min...
But I'm having fun with it...trying new styles I never before would have done. And with a pending trip to Vegas, I'm looking forward to taking it out on the town.
What do other people think? I don't know. Most of my friends' reactions have been mixed... most are still in shock, others like it, others swear to me that it doesn't look too fake and looks great... mostly the guy friends have the highest praises (go figure).
I got a surprisingly quiet reaction on Facebook after I posted pictures...and I noted this quietness in my status today, mentioning that perhaps my FB friends weren't brave enough to deliver the bad news to me - that my extensions look bad. After posting this status I did get a couple of brave souls who spoke up and said they preferred me with shorter hair...

It sucks to hear because I care a lot about what other people think (even though I shouldn't be as concerned), so it was disappointing to see some say they preferred me with my super-thin, short and boring hair. I want EVERYONE to like it! But I guess it's very reminiscent of when I dyed my hair brown two years ago - some folks loved it, others were like "You were born a blonde, you should stay a blonde".
So people of the Internets...what do YOU think of my new look? Love it or hate it?


Shave it all off!!! Bald is in!! But fo real, short hair typically works best for shorter ladies...
Love it!
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