

So I came down with the flu this week, and it has really been a pain. Fevers, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, coughing, etc. Bleh... So I've been worthless all week...I even had to miss ballet and I'm bummed about it.

Last weekend was fun. I haven't really felt well enough to really write in detail about it. It was pretty uneventful as far as good stories go. I had hair remorse Friday night for a while after Matt told me he liked blonde Christy better...the first thing he says to me when he sees me. But, my hair is ok. I'm not in love with it, but I do like it. It's different and I like having something different, but I'm still not crazy about the red that's shown up in it.

This weekend, assuming I'm well again, I'm taking it easy in Cola and scrubbing clean my house to get ready for the big St. Patty's weekend...and I've got to start packing for Vegas! Yay!

Ok, so please feel sorry for me as I sit on my ass, can't swallow, can't breathe out of my nose, and feel like I've been hit by a mack truck. And after I get well, I'm going to learn the dance in the video below.... looks like fun, eh? I'd be the coolest girl in the club...maybe I'll bust out some of those moves in Vegas...


Anonymous said...

Target has green wigs!

Anonymous said...

Target has green wigs!

Christy said...

I know, I bought two of them a long time ago for J-tay and I... we might wear them...they are pretty crappy though, so I'm not sure. They aren't the prettiest of wigs.

Did you get one?